Men's tank top, WHITE, hi-res-1 Men's tank top, WHITE, hi-res-1
Men's tank top, WHITE, hi-res-1
Men's undershirt, DARK BLUE, hi-res-1 Men's undershirt, DARK BLUE, hi-res-1
Men's undershirt, DARK BLUE, hi-res-1

Dynamic and contemporary, Bikkembergs Men’s Undershirts express a free-spirited, cosmopolitan lifestyle and the desire to stay one step ahead of upcoming trends. Comfortable, practical, and made with super soft fabrics, the men’s undershirts in the Fall-Winter collection are sold separately or in convenient 2-packs. Characterized by a V-neck or crew neck cut, these T-shirts complete a matching set when worn with the briefsand boxers in this collection.

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